Intercultural education without copyright

Intercultural education without copyright

a) La Educación Intercultural ( -> Link to an article (from a website) This article has a creative commons type of license. This creative commons is BY NC SA, so you have to give recognition to the author, you can´t use is for commercial purpouses and you have to share with the same license as the original. I searched this website via advanced search on google and  I filter the results to websites with creative commons licenses. I think this is a good reference because it is an article from the Universidad Nacional Experimental “Rafael María Baralt”, UNERMB a venezuelan  university so it´s relaible. The author is María del Carmen Pérez Paredes.


-> Screenshot from a document. This document has a creative commons type of license. This creative commons is BY NC SA, so you have to give recognition to the author, you can´t use is for commercial purpouses and you have to share with the same license as the original. I searched this document via advanced search on google and  I filter the results to websites with creative commons licenses as well as searching with the fyletypepdf:
I think this is a reliable document because it is published in the journal of the "Facultad de humanidades de la Universidad  Nacional de Mar del Plata". The author of the document is Gemma Carbó Ribugent


-> Photo. This photo has CC0 license, that means that I don´t have to give recognition and a I can modify, download or change the work. This photo is reliable because is from Pexels, a website with photos without copyright. I found this image searchig pexels and then seraching intercultural education.

